Friday, June 29, 2012

late birthdaypresent


today our dear friend karin visited us
we talked a lot, it was very cosy but there was a problem:
i have a a sore throat right now, and i am out of voice...
so i had to whisper thru the whole conversation
we haven't been able to hang out so much this year,
so she had a birthdaypresent to me that she bought in march when i turned 22
but it was quite nice to have it now, a present in the end of the month - who dosen't like that?
look here what i got:

it's a gift bag with eeyore (his name is "ior" in swedish), karin's dog is named ior
and inside i found handmade soaps that both smell and look delicious!
oh, i adore them! thank you so much, karin!
i have to stop buy ordinary soap, the liquid one and use these instead!
they will last a lifetime!!

looking forward to karin's birthday in august, she will get something nice in return :)


  1. Åh så fina tvålar, man får se upp om man går upp på natten så man inte käkar dom :)

  2. My mum wrote something like:

    "Oh, such a beautiful soaps! You have to watch out when you get up in the middle of the night, so you don't eat them!"


    Yes, they are lovely! Smells so nice, I can't stop smelling them!

  3. Thank`s dear Anna for a lovely afternoon in your beutiful flat: It´s amazing! Lots of hugs to you and the cats:)
